Whenever you need tips about caring for yourself at home, help finding medical care or information about your health — remember that Health Line BlueSM is always here for you.
Health Line Blue nurses can answer medical questions on almost any health issue. They’ll help you decide the best place to get care based on your symptoms. They can also help you treat your issue at home or ease your symptoms until you can get in to see your doctor. This can often save you time and money!
If the nurse thinks you need to see a doctor right away, you’ll get direction on where to go for medical care. Health Line Blue offers peace of mind and support — all at no cost to you.
Nurses can help you decide what to do about:
+ Cough, colds or flu
+ Headaches
+ Minor back pain
+ Sore throats
+ Earaches
+ Cuts and scrapes
+ Insect bites
+ Skin rashes
+ Possible strains or sprains
+ Allergic symptoms
By phone
Call Health Line Blue at 1-877-477-2424 to speak with a nurse right away. (Spanishspeaking
nurses are available as well.)
You can also chat with a nurse online or send a secure message. Just log in to
BlueConnectNC.com, click on “Wellness” and select “Health Line Blue” from
the left-hand menu.
Remember: If you’re facing an issue that threatens your life or health, go straight
to the emergency room!